Our Programs:

Math       Science       Technology

There are many technology courses we offer:
Scratch-Level 1 HTML & JavaScript Java-Level 1 Java-Level 2
An intro to the coding language Scratch. Students will go to the scratch.mit.edu website to learn fundamentals of coding. Unlike HTML and Java, Scratch uses blocks to code it. They will 1st cover all blocks. Then they will learn very simple games such as wall tennis, hide & seek etc.

Prerequisite: 4th Grade & up.
An intro to coding webpages. They will learn HTML to make webpages and apply CSS to appear nicer. They will also learn programming fundamentals using JavaScript such as conditional statements and loops etc. They will also learn to code STEM based web application.

Prerequisite: 6th Grade & up.
A coding group, primarily focused on Java. They will learn basic programming fundamentals such as data types, loops and conditional statements etc. as well as data abstraction and inheritance using Java. They will also learn to code a Tic-Tac-Toe game using Java.

Prerequisite: 7th Grade & up.
A coding group, focused on complex java programs. They will learn file handling, exception handling, and interface etc. They will also learn to code Hangman game. In order to take this, they must complete Java level 1.

Prerequisite: 8th Grade & up.

Python coming soon